Thursday, 29 September 2011

Notes from Sept. 29/2011

Mentor Meeting with James Caswell
  • show them pushing the little girl away during the war room scene
  • bully could be potentially the same size as the little girl (could make him a little nerd)
  • bully doesn't have to be masked, since we don't see him till the end
  • come up with a map in relation to where everything is
  • establish  coreography of where each action is taking place
  • have a character lineup prepared
  • concept sketches of fort and location designs
  • Jim suggested that the toys could be caricatured 
  • think about production pipeline
  • think about software
  • figure out how to show effects, such as shadows
  • figure out the time of day action or story is taking place
  • figure out colour scheme of snow - suggestions included (cerulean blue, soft blue or soft green tinge)
  • reference Insomnia or Snow dogs for colour scheme of snow
  • scene 8-act 1- CU not necessary 
  • C/U of brother getting angry should be a wider shot and then truck into his facial expression (frame 29)
  • Design characters based on everyone's drawing level. Make sure its not too difficult for everyone to draw 
  • frame 22 not necesssary ( right now its been flipped over on the corkboard)

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Notes From Sept 27/2011 Meeting

Act 1
  • Establishing shot of pan of entire court and fort.
  • Kids house on left side, bad guys house on right side
  • shadow of bully should be coming in from the right side
  • girl's brother is shoveling snow of his own driveway from the left side (his own house)
  • little girl is playing by the entrance of the fort
  • she gets thrown out of the fort and skids across the snow into her own driveway as her brother is shoveling snow. 
  • girl's name is Jane
  • As Jane tries to throw snow after making it, Nikolai takes it from her and throws it himself
  • screen direction is changed
other notes

  • Jane tries to participate in snow war by running after her brother and neighbour kids
  • we can use old fashion can phones that are attached by a string
  • use world deadliest warrior reference in war room 
  • as we transition in from the lens flare of the sun and into the war room, the lamp should flicker a bit as we cut to kids
  • One kid should get knocked out right when they're walking out of the garage in slow motion (armageddon parody)
  • after that one kid gets bombarded with snow, the other kids scream in panic 
  • Keep the enemy a mystery
  • Make sure we do not reveal the bully's face
  • Bob, Jane, Cross eyed Nikolai, Fat Phil
Things to Cut
No drumming sequence of the little girl
Don't need to show button being pressed before garage door opens
When walking out, remove girl from front of scene, when garage door opens

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Second half!

Here they are guys, the rest of the story. Hopefully the scans and drawings are clear enough to read! Lemme know what you think, if something is not quite up to snuff.

first sequence: Mehreen's Boards

I also did a version of the first sequence since I didn't have any boards to show last time.
This is really rough. If you guys like some of this stuff, maybe we can add some stuff from this and mix into bram's boards.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Bram's thumbnails for the rough boards!

Hey all! So here are the thumbnails for the first half of the film! This covers from the very beginning all the way through right before they go to war. These are pretty rough, so if anyone needs clarification on any board, let me know!

Design of snow forte

exterior col de sac floorplan

Heres the Floor plan and my boards from the act 2

Friday, 23 September 2011

Bilal's Board

Yaw's Boards


My boards for act 3


Jarons Story Board Roughs

Sept 23, 2011

Boy 1 wears a helmet - all boys are around 9 years old!
Boy 2 wears pom poms and a ear muff hat!
Boy 3 (aka. the Russian one in the tower) wears a headband, and scarf!

Little girl is wearing a parka (aka. the hood Kenny from South Park wears). - she is 6 years old

The bully wears a hard ski mask, with holes in the mouth and ski goggles. - he is 14 years old

For the time being we are plagiarizing the bullies mother, from 'Mark Anthony.'

Scene 01
-The little girl is in the fort when the bully strikes (he appears as a looming shadow), taking both the fort and her doll. The bully then tosses the girl out of the snow fort.  

-The little girl not known what to do goes to fetch her brother and his friends, asking them  to get her doll back!

-The children once gathered see their flag drawn in crayon (which illustrates the 3 boys) taken down by the bully, being replaced with the little girls doll on a noose!

-We use the suns flickering from behind the doll in this scene as a transition into the next scene, which opens with a shot of a flickering light bulb.

scene 02
-Boy are in planning room (the garage)

-“boys I called you because you are the best at what you do.” The little Girl tries to help them in the creation of their scheme, but the boys won't listen to her.

– use garage door opening as a transition into the war sequence.

-War sequence

Scene 03
Girl tells on them!

Ends with mother verbally abusing her son.

*Please remember to post the story boards you showed the group last Thursday on our new blog spot.*
*we will divvy up the rest of the story board work on Monday!*